Personal Data Policy

ANNEX 1- Data Categories and Personal Data

Data Categories

Personal Data


Name, Surname

Mother-Father Name

Mother’s Maiden Surname

Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Marital Status

Identity Card Serial Sequence Number

TR Identity Number

Passport Number

Temporary TR Identity Number

Gender Information

TR Identity Card

Driver’s License



E-mail Address

Contact Address

Registered Electronic Mail Address (KEP)

Telephone Number


Location information of the place where it is located, etc.


Payroll Information

Disciplinary Investigation

Employment Entry-Exit Document Records

CV Information

Performance Evaluation Reports

Legal Action

Information in correspondence with judicial authorities, information in the case file, etc.

Customer Transaction


Promissory Note

Check Information

Entry-Exit Information

Order Information

Appointment Information

Physical Space Security

Employee and Visitor Entry-Exit Record Information

Camera Records

Transaction Security

Transaction Security (such as IP address information, website entry-exit information, password and passcode information)

IP Address Information

Website Entry-Exit Information

Password and Passcode Information

Risk Management

Information processed to manage commercial, technical, administrative risks


Balance Sheet Information

Financial Performance Information

Credit and Risk Information

Asset Information

Bank Account Number

IBAN Number

Professional Experience

Diploma Information

Courses Attended

In-Service Training Information



Shopping History Information


Cookie Records

Information Obtained Through Campaign Work

Visual and Auditory Records

Closed Circuit Camera System Image, Audio Recording

Appearance and Dress

Information Regarding Appearance and Dress

Union Membership

Union Membership Information

Health Information

Information Regarding Disability

Blood Group Information

Personal Health Information

Information Regarding Devices and Prosthetics Used

Laboratory and Imaging Results

Test Results

Examination Data

Prescription Information

Criminal Conviction and Security Measures

Information Regarding Criminal Conviction

Information Regarding Security Measures

Family Information

Number of Children

Family Booklet

Spouse Employment Information

Child Education and Age Information

Employment Data


Employment Form



Last company information worked for


Wet or electronic signature, fingerprints, special marks on documents that are considered personal data

Website Usage Data

Application Form Filling Date

Frequency/Times of Login to the Site

Last Login Date

IP Address

Request/Complaint Management Information

Survey Data

Personal data regarding the receipt and evaluation of all kinds of requests or complaints directed to the company.

Reputation Management Information

Information collected for the purpose of protecting the company’s commercial reputation and information regarding the evaluation reports created in this regard, as well as information regarding the actions taken.

Incident Management Information

Personal data processed for the purpose of taking the necessary legal, technical and administrative measures against incidents that develop in order to protect the company’s commercial rights and interests and the rights and interests of its customers.


Special Insurance Data

Social Security Institution Data

Vehicle Information

Vehicle plate, brand, model, model year, engine chassis number, registration date, registration copy, no-claim information

Compliance Information

Personal data processed within the scope of compliance

Audit and Inspection Information

Personal data processed during internal or external audit activities

Residence Permit Information for Foreigners

Residence Permit Information for Foreigners

ANNEX 2- Categorical Personal Data Processing Purposes

Execution of Emergency Management Processes

Execution of Information Security Processes

Execution of Candidate Employee / Intern / Student Selection and Placement Processes

Execution of Candidate Employee Application Processes

Execution of Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty Processes

Fulfillment of Employment Contract and Legislation-Related Obligations for Employees

Side Benefits for Employees And Conducting Benefits Processes

Conducting Audit / Ethics Activities

Conducting Training Activities

Conducting Access Authorizations

Conducting Activities in Accordance with Legislation

Conducting Finance and Accounting Affairs

Conducting Company / Product / Service Loyalty Processes

Providing Physical Space Security

Conducting Assignment Processes

Following and Conducting Legal Affairs

Conducting Internal Audit / Investigation / Intelligence Activities

Conducting Communication Activities

Planning Human Resources Processes

Conducting / Auditing Business Activities

Occupational Health / Safety Activities


Receiving and Evaluating Suggestions for Improving Business Processes

Executing Business Continuity Activities

Executing Logistics Activities

Executing Goods/Service Purchasing Processes

Executing Goods/Service After-Sales Support Services

Executing Goods/Service Sales Processes

Executing Goods/Service Production and Operation Processes

Executing Customer Relationship Management Processes

Executing Activities for Customer Satisfaction

Organization and Event Management

Executing Marketing Analysis Studies

Executing Performance Evaluation Processes

Executing Advertising/Campaign/Promotion Processes

Executing Risk Management Processes

Executing Storage and Archive Activities

Executing Social Responsibility and Civil Society Activities

Executing Contract Processes Execution

Execution of Sponsorship Activities

Execution of Strategic Planning Activities

Following up Requests/Complaints

Ensuring the Security of Movable Goods and Resources

Execution of Supply Chain Management Processes

Execution of Wage Policy

Execution of Marketing Processes of Products/Services

Ensuring the Security of Data Controller Operations

Foreign Personnel Work and Residence Permit Procedures

Execution of Investment Processes

Execution of Talent/Career Development Activities

Providing Information to Authorized Persons, Institutions and Organizations

Execution of Management Activities

Creation and Tracking of Visitor Records

Planning and Management of Business Partners, Suppliers’ Access Authorities to Information and Facilities

Management of Relationships with Business Partners, Suppliers

Collection of Entry and Exit Records of Business Partner/Supplier Employees

Compliance with the Relevant Legislation or Company Planning and Management of Compliance with Procedures

ANNEX 3 – Persons to Whom Personal Data is Transferred and Purposes of Transfer

Dentaforum may transfer the personal data of participants, customers and employees to the following categories of persons in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the Law:

Data Transfer

Persons Whom It May Be Done


Purpose and Scope of Data Transfer

Real persons or private law legal entities

Real persons or legal entities with whom Dentaforum has relations and transactions due to its activities

Limited to the work and transaction performed


Real persons who have established a partnership relationship with Dentaforum

Limited to the planning, execution and auditing of strategies related to Dentaforum’s commercial activities

Business Partners

Business partners, business partner banks with whom Dentaforum has relations for purposes such as promotion and marketing of its products and services, after-sales support

Limited to the purposes and activities of establishing and executing a business partnership

Authorized Public Institutions and Institutions

Social Security Institution, Tax Offices etc. Public institutions and organizations authorized to receive information and documents from Dentaforum according to the relevant legislation provisions

Limited to the purpose requested by the relevant public institutions and organizations based on their legal authority

Legally Authorized Private Law Persons

Institutions or organizations established in accordance with certain conditions in accordance with the relevant legislation provisions and continuing their activities within this framework

Limited to the subjects within the scope of their activities

Private Insurance Companies

Private health, retirement, BES applications

Limited to the scope of private insurance records and notifications

Members of the Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors of Dentaforum

Limited to the purpose of carrying out the activities of the Board of Directors of Dentaforum

Institutions from which services are received and cooperated

Institutions from which contracted services are received and cooperated

Limited to the principles of contract and cooperation protocol


Lawyers with attorney authority in accordance with the relevant legislation

Limited to subjects that may have legal consequences in company activities and labor transactions.


Parties that provide services to Dentaforum in line with the purpose and requests of data processing

Limited to the provision of goods and services to fulfill Dentaforum’s commercial activities from external sources


Experts and those whose experience is utilized

Experts and those whose experience is utilized


Auditors with audit authority in accordance with the relevant legislation

Authority and duty limits specified in the legislation

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